There couldn't be anything better. It's was all so perfect in my opinion.
If you're wondering what is so perfect, then i would saw everything around the purchase was. The Meeting/Greeting from the support to help me along the way with my purchase, the speed at which they shipped the stuff, the quality of the doll, it was all exceptionally good.
Now, a rookie mistake from my side was to buy a heavy doll. (About 45 kilo's, no idea in pounds.) I'm someone with not alot off meat on my bones, so i had quiet a bit of a struggle to figure out on how to really move the doll, since i thought that it's soft skin would be ripped so easily, but it's not. It can take quiet a "beating" so to say before any deformation would occur in the TPE material.
So, the review on the doll now i bought:
It's matching quality rate to that of it's pictures is 95-98% the same. It's really good. It's really soft to the touch aswell, can be cold if you live in a cold area, so have to keep that in mind.
It's quiet squishy as well with it's breast, rear and belly that jiggles really enticingly when you move it.
The standing option is basicly a must for it, unless you want/can hold a 45 Kilo heavy doll from the ground at all times. It's this way you get to learn that you can lift it by basicly hugging it without worring that the TPE will stretch/break. It's actually does not, or atleast from what i've seen/felt.
But, as it's manual says also (It's not perfect, live everybody else.) There we're something that grinded my gears is the beginning, but i shortly after decided to just not think about it anymore; Filling holes for the hands.
So there are two tiny crevices on top on the wrists on both sides in where you can see where they filled in the TPE into the hands (Or so i belive what they've done??), but else than that. it's fitting my expectations and way beyond.
So, of couse i'm going to give this purchuse a 5/5 star rating. It deserves it. These guys who has been helping me and so many others with their purchase's, deserve it.
Oh! Almost forgot something that the support did aswell!
They actually took a Doll From WMDolls own website that i was intrested in and imported it here so i could purchase what i actually wanted and didn't have to go the long way around and try to figure out what kind of head and hue type i wanted!!
((The pictures is have are using the body and head + an extra head and wigs. Which is why they don't look excatly like the once on this page.))